

  • Screening of population to identify superior individuals can be very helpful in establishing a central nucleus, where genetic improvement can be further generated by selection based on measured production. The nature of a group breeding scheme is such that it is the interest of all its members to secure the highest possible genetic level and the highest rate of genetic progress for the nucleus. This is a strong motive for the individual farmers to contribute superior females to the nucleus both at the initial screening and at later stages (Open nucleus system). The rate of genetic progress may thus be increased by a further 10 – 15%.
  • Open Nucleus Breeding Schemes (ONBS) should be effected in different regions to monitor and augment the production performances of different breeds of cattle and buffaloes in India. The ONBS concept comprises a nucleus herd established under controlled conditions to facilitate selection. The nucleus is established from the best animals selected from the base population. These are then recorded individually and the best animals are selected to from the elite herd of the nucleus. The elite females and superior sires are then mated and the resulting offspring are reared, recorded and the males among them are evaluated and such elite group of males with high breeding values can be used in the farmers herd for genetic improvement. By this, greater genetic improvement can be made in large population of cattle and buffaloes in their home tract.
Last modified: Saturday, 31 March 2012, 12:54 PM