Dairy breeds of India



  • Tract : Gir hills and forests of Kathiawar, Rajapudanam, Baroda of Gujarath and Northern section of Maharastra
  • Colour : Mottling in various shades of red to black; white with a few spots of colour; entire red is also seen. Well defined patch of colour, often of different shape is seen on sides of the barrel
  • Body weight : Bulls - 500 kg Cows - 350 kg
  • Horns : Curved downward and backwards, then upwards and inwards taking a spiral inward sweep ending in a fine taper, giving a half-moon appearance
  • Milk yield : 2100 kg
  • Fat content : 4.4%
  • Age at first calvin g : 51 months
  • Calving interval : 17 months
  • Typical characters : Long and protruding forehead, pendulous frontward turned ears, always hanging from the base
  • Utility : Cows good milkers; Bullocks used extensively for work; Best beef breed.


  • Tract : Montgomery District of Punjab (Pakistan), Punjab, Hariyana
  • Body size : Heavy breed with symmetrical body and loose skin
  • Colour : Reddish dun or pale red with some white patches. In males, colour darkens towards the extremities
  • Body weight : Bulls: 500 - 600 kg Cows: 300 -400 kg
  • Horns : Short and thick and do not exceed three inches in length. Loose horns are common in females
  • Milk yield : 2,200 kg
  • Fat content : 4.5%
  • Age at first calvin g : 30 - 36 months
  • Calving interval : 15 months
  • Typical characters : Muzzle is lighter colour in contrast to Red Sindhi, which has dark coloured muzzle. Animals are large, deep, fleshy and lethargic, loose skin, voluminous dewlap
  • Utility : Good milkers. Lethargic and slow workers


  • Tract : Western Sind, Karachi, and Hyderabad districts of Pakistan
  • Body size : Medium sized and compact animal
  • Colour : Deep dark red, variation from tan yellow to almost dark brown. Bulls are darker than cows and their extremities are almost black. White markings on the forehead, a little sprinkling of white along dewlap and underneath barrel
  • Body weight : Bulls: 450 -500 kg Cows: 300 - 350 kg
  • Horns : Thick at the base and emerge laterally and curve upward
  • Milk yield : 2000 kg
  • Fat content : 4.5%
  • Age at first calvin g : 44 months
  • Calving interval : 14 - 15 months
  • Typical characters : Red colour. Compact body with round dropping quarters, muzzle dark colour, thick horn, heavy hump, pendulous udder
  • Utility : Cows for good milk and bullocks for both road and field work
Last modified: Monday, 7 May 2012, 5:39 AM