Sire index


Sire index is the estimate of the hereditary potentialities of a bull for milk production or any other trait. The sire’s transmitting ability for production is estimated by mathematical means and expressed as sire index or bull index. In other words, breeding values of the bulls are expressed by sire indices. Several indices for assessing the breeding worth of sires have been developed. They are as follows:

SI = Di = [1 / mi] Σ Dij

where, Dij = yield of jth daughter of the ith sire

mi = number of dams mated to ith sire

  • Yapp’s index or Equiparent index (Yapp, 1925)

P = S + D / 2

S + D = 2P

SI = 2P - D 

where, P = average of the progeny

D = average of the dams

SI = D + 3/7 (D – M) when daughter’s average exceeds dam’s average

= D – 7/3 (M – D) when daughter’s average is less than dam’s average

where, D = average of the daughters

M = average of the dams

SI = 2P - H

where, H = herd average

  • Wright’s index (Wright, 1931)

SI = [2 / n+2] + [H / n+2 ] X (2P – D)

where, n = number of dam-daughter comparisons

H = herd average

P = daughters average

D = dams average

  • Corrected daughter average index or Krishnan’s index (Krishnan, 1956)

SI = D – bDM (M – H)

where, D = daughters average

bDM = intrasire regression of daughter on dam

M = dams average

H = herd average

  • Dairy search index (Sundaresan, 1965)

SI = A + [n / n+12] [(D – CD) – b(M – CM)]

where, A = herd average

n = number of daughters

D = daughters average

M = dams average

CD = weighted average of contemporary daughters

CM = weighted average of contemporary dams

b = regression coefficient

  • Herdmate comparison (Henderson and Carter, 1957)

PD = [(ni / (ni + 20)] {Di - 0.9 (HMi – A) – A}

where, PD = predicted difference

Di = average of the daughters at the ith herdmate level

HMi = average of the herdmates at ith herdmate level

ni = number of daughters at the ith herdmate level

I = µ + {n / n + k} (D - C)

where, n = number of daughters

C = average of daughters’ contemporaries

k = ratio of error variance to sire variance

Yijk = µ + Fi + Sj + Eijk

where, Yijk = measurement on the kth progeny of the jth sire born in the ith herd- year- season

µ = overall mean

Fi = effect of the ith herd- year- season

Sj = effect of the jth sire born

Eijk = residual error

Last modified: Wednesday, 9 May 2012, 9:50 AM