

  • The immature flukes are highly responsible for causing the pathogenesis by their presence in the small intestine.
  • The immature flukes attach very strongly and get embedded in the mucosa of the intestine and they are commonly called as plug feeder.
  • These immature flukes eats away pieces of mucosa through the sucker and pinch them off resulting in necrosis and severe hemorrhage in heavy infections the deeply placed immature flukes may reach the muscular coat of the intestine causing hemorrhagic duodenitis
  • The adult flukes are normally non-pathogenic and are seen attached to the rumen feeding only on the seminal papillae resulting in loss of ruminal papillae.
  • Due to the presence of the immature flukes in the intestine, extensive catarrhal hemorrhage occurs in the duodenum and jejunum with degeneration of intestinal glands. There will be anaemia, hypoproteinaemia,oedema and emaciation.

Pathogenesis caused by Immature amphistomes

Immature Amphistome in Duodenum

Post mortem findings of immature amphistomosis

  Immature Amphistome in Abomasum
Immature Amphistome nodules in Duodenum

Last modified: Tuesday, 19 June 2012, 7:09 AM