

Genus Ganathostoma
Species G. spinigerum
Host Cat, dog, and erratic parasite of man
I/H Ist- Cyclops (copepod) and IInd Fresh water fish
Location Stomach


  • The mouth is surrounded by two large lips and are trilobed. The cuticle forms tooth like ridges on the medial surface of lips (interlocked).
  • They have large head bulb consists of four submedian cavity or "ballonet" contains fluid.
  • The head bulb is armed with 6 to 11 rows of transverse spines.
  • Anterior 2/3 of the body also armed with large flat cuticular spine which is denticulate at the posterior margin.
  • In male, the caudal and ventral surface is covered with small spine and armed with 4 pairs of pedunculated and several papillae
  • Eggs are oval, thick shelled, greenish ornamented and have small cap at the anterior pole.
  • Egg contains one cell or morula stage.
Last modified: Tuesday, 17 April 2012, 4:20 AM