Small and spherical
Eyes: Large compound eyes, holoptic in males and dichoptic in `females , Ocelli absent
Antenna: Long and slender antenna, 14-15 segmented, plumose in males and pilose in females
Only females feed on blood
Females show the presence of a pair of mandibles which are long and needle like –they pierce the skin
A pair of maxillae which are stylet like are present
Food channel is formed by the opposition of hypopharynx and labrum epipharynx
Labium does not enter the wound
Male mosquitoes live on nectar or fruit juices as they do not have the mandibles or maxillae
Wedge shaped
Legs: Three pairs of legs, the third pair is called the floating pair since it does not touch the substrate while resting
Wings: Wings are narrow, lanceolate and bears scales
Wing venation is characteristic in that the 2nd, 4th and 5th longitudinal veins are forked
Last modified: Friday, 23 December 2011, 6:48 AM