Effect on the host
The fleas are attached to the combs, wattles and around the eyes of infested fowls
Heavy infestations reveal clusters of these small fleas in the head region
The fleas are permanently attached to the host which is why they are referred to as stick tight fleas /font>
Hence the modification in the morphology (absence of combs, less powerful legs and a foreshortened thorax)
The area around the attached flea swells up and encloses the flea’s body
Due to the swelling of the eyelids the birds may lose their eyesight temporarily or even become blind
The fleas consume blood and in large infestation can result in anaemia and death of birds
The swellings around the flea may also ulcerate and the fleas eggs will be seen in these ulcers, once the larvae hatches out it falls off the host and develops like the dog flea on the ground
Presence of fleas and the irritation and anaemia it causes leads to drop in egg production and severe weight loss in birds
Last modified: Thursday, 1 July 2010, 4:45 AM