Sarcoptic mange in dog
Predilection site
- Ear, muzzle, face, elbows, inguinal / axillary region
- 1st sign erythema, papule formation, rupture- encrustation of lymph, scale, formation, pruritis, alopecia
- Then skin is dry & thickened with intense pruritis, results in self inflicted trauma – secondary infection (pyoderma) /self mutilation occurs
- After primary infection, dogs get sensitized and scratch even before 1st signs are seen
- In neglected cases whole skin surface is involved, progressive weakness, emaciation and strong sour odour. They become cachectic & even die
- Scratch reflex when ears are rubbed
- Mostly intense itching is seen
- Highly contagious, so all animals in contact are affected
- Examination of deep skin scraping
- Benzye benzoate emulsion
- Tetmosol (Tetraethylthiuram monosulphide) - 5%
- 20% Tetmosol soap as prophylaxis
- Carbaryl shampoos
- Overmectin 200µg/kg .Bwt
- Supportive nutrition / Good hygiene in animal quarter / Disinfec animal houses & utensils
Last modified: Friday, 23 September 2011, 7:26 AM