Details of open-sided poultry house construction


House Orientation (Direction)

  • The poultry house should be located in such a way that long axis is in east-west direction. This will prevent the direct sunshine over the birds.



  • Each broiler require one square foot of floor space while a layer requires two square feet of floor space under deep-litter system of rearing. So the size of the house depends on the number of birds to be reared.


  • The length of the house can be of any extent. The number of birds reared and availability of the land determines the length of poultry house.


  • The open sided poultry houses in tropical countries should have a width not more than 22 to 25 feet in order to allow ample ventilation and aeration at the mid-portion.
  • Sheds wider than this will not provide adequate ventilation during the hot weather.
  • If the width of the shed is more than 25 feet, ridge ventilation at the middle line of the roof top with proper overhang is a must.
  • Hot air and obnoxious gases which are lighter than air move upward and escape through ridge ventilation.
  • In environmentally controlled poultry houses, the width of the house may be even 40 feet or more since the ventilation is controlled with the help of exhaust fans.


  • The height of the sides from foundation to the roof line should be 6 to 7 feet (eaves height) and at the centre 10 to 12 feet.
  • In case of cage houses, the height is decided by the type of cage arrangements (3 tier or 4 tier).


  • Good foundation is essential to prevent seepage of water into the poultry sheds.
  • The foundation of the house should be of concrete with 1 to 1.5 feet below the surface and 1 to 1.5 feet above the ground level.


  • The floor should be made of concrete with rat proof device and free from dampness.
  • The floor of the house should be extended 1.5 feet outside the wall on all sides to prevent rat and snake problems.


  • The door must be open outside in case of deep-litter poultry houses.
  • The size of door is preferably 6 x 2.5 feet. At the entry, a foot bath should be constructed to fill with a disinfectant.

Side walls

  • The side wall should be of 1-1.5 feet height, and generally at the level of bird’s back height.
  • This side wall protects the bird during rainy days or chill climate and also provides sufficient ventilation. In case of cage houses, no side wall is needed.


  • The roof of the poultry house may be thatched, tiled, asbestos or concrete one depending upon the cost involvement.
  • Different types of roofs are Shed, Gable, half-monitor, full-monitor (Monitor), Flat concrete, Gambrel, Gothic etc. Monitor type is mostly preferred in tropical countries like India.



  • The overhang of the roof should not be less than 3.5 feet in order to prevent the entry of rain water into the shed.


  • Light should be provided at 7-8 feet above the ground level and must be hanged from ceiling.
  • If incandescent bulbs are used, the interval between two bulbs is 10 feet. In case of fluorescent lights (tube lights) the interval is 15 feet.
Last modified: Sunday, 3 June 2012, 5:54 AM