Feed efficiency


Feed efficiency (Feed conversion ratio – FCR)

  • Feed efficiency per kg egg mass
    • This takes into consideration of the feed intake, egg weight and egg production. It is the ratio between the feed consumed and the egg mass.

                    FCR     = Kg of feed consumed / Kg of egg produced 
                    (per kg egg mass)

    • A value of 2.2 or less is advantageous to the farm.
  • Feed efficiency per dozen eggs
    • This takes into consideration of the feed intake and egg production. It is the ratio between the feed consumed and the number of eggs produced.

                  FCR    = (Kg of feed consumed x 12) / Total eggs produced
                  (per dozen eggs)

    • A value of 1.5 or less is advantageous to the farm.
Last modified: Sunday, 3 June 2012, 6:10 AM