The most recent and cheapest way to avoid cannibalism is debeaking which can be done right from the day old chicks to any age.
Debeaking can be done either manually or mechanically. Mechanical way of debeaking has an advantage that it does not require second cutting of beak which is sometimes required in case of manual debeaking. One-third of the upper beak and tip of the lower beak is to be trimmed.
To stop bleeding, hot iron rod is touched at the site of cut. Debeaking must be performed by a competent and trained person, otherwise there may be excessive bleeding and the bird may die due to starvation. These days debeaking has become mandatory in almost all poultry farms.
Wounded birds should also be segregated and given proper treatment.
Margosa oil is effective for wound healing in poultry.
Immediate debeaking of the birds.
Overcrowding of the birds must be immediately corrected.
Feed must be available in sufficient quantity at all the times.
Laying nests must be built at peaceful, isolated places, because the congested external genitalia of layers, following laying, attracts other birds for cannibalism.
Provision of red bulbs near laying nests may help during the period of the problem.
Quantity of vitamin, mineral mixture and salt may be marginally increased in poultry ration.
Increased amount of methionine in the diet is said to prevent this habit in layers.
Last modified: Sunday, 3 June 2012, 6:22 AM