Flock uniformity


  • The goal for flock uniformity is that at least 75% of the birds should be within 10% above or below the average body weight for that flock.
  • For example, if 115 birds are weighed individually. The average weight is 1050 grams for the birds weighed. Thus the 10% cut-off above and below target includes the birds that weigh between 945 grams and 1155 grams.
  • If 95 birds weighed between these limits, the uniformity of the flock would be about 83%. Although good uniformity in no way guarantees good layer performance, it does indicate that the pullet growing programme is adequate. Individual body weighing need only be done twice during rearing. Normal weekly weighing should be by bulk weighing of 1%the flock
Last modified: Saturday, 5 May 2012, 6:28 AM