

  • Lymphocytes are the cells that recognize foreign antigen and mount immune response.
  • Lymphocytes are small round cells (7-15µm in diameter) found in blood and in lymphoid organs such as lymph nodes, thymus, spleen etc.
  • Each lymphocyte contains a large round nucleus that stain intensely with dyes such as hematoxylin.
  • They possess a thin rim of cytoplasm containing some mitochondria, free ribosomes and a small Golgi apparatus.
  • Lymphocytes originate from bone marrow stem cells unlike other blood cells but they mature and differentiate into B and T cells in lymphoid organs.
  • Lymphocytes are the most mobile cells in the body and travel a long distance from blood to tissues, tissues to lymphatic ducts and again into circulation.

Last modified: Tuesday, 17 April 2012, 8:50 AM