Related terms-2


  • Galvayne’s Groove: The part of the groove running down the labial surface of the ground of the upper corner incisors of the horse. It normally appears near the gum at 10 years, is ½ way down at 15 years, extends down the whole length of tooth at 20 years, has grown ½ way out at 25 years, and has disappeared at 30. Simultaneously appearance of star and disappearance of mark takes place.
  • Infundibulum: Dark depression on the table in the incisor it is called as mark
  • Inwear: the hole of the table of tooth is in contact with opposite teeth of other jaw.
  • Labial surface: The surface next to the lips of the incisors
  • Lateral Incisors: The second pair that is those between central and corners.
  • Lingual surface: The inner surface of tooth i.e. next to the tongue
  • Mandible: The lower jaw
  • Mandibular cheek teeth: Lower premolars and molars
  • Maxilla and premaxilla: Constitute the upper jaw
  • Maxillary sinus: A cavity in the skull situated in horse above the last 3 or 4 cheek teeth into which their roots project.
Last modified: Tuesday, 10 April 2012, 10:54 AM