Left kidney


  • The left kidney is variable in position. When the rumen is full, it pushes the kidney backward and across the median plane, so that it is situated on the right side behind and at a lower level than the right kidney
  • It lies below the bodies of the third, fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae
  • When the rumen is not so full, it is slightly towards the left. It presents three surfaces
  • The dorsal surface in convex and is related to the bodies of the lumbar vertebrae and sublumbar muscles
  • The ventral surface is less convex and is related to the intestine
  • The lateral surface is flattened due to its contact with the rumen and is hence termed the ruminal surface
  • The medial border is nearly straight and is related to the abdominal aorta and ureter
  • The hilus is a deep fissure and situated on the antero-lateral aspect of the dorsal surface of the left kidney
Last modified: Thursday, 9 February 2012, 10:09 AM