Female genital organs - Uterus, vagina and vulva

( Uterus, Vagina and Vulva )

(View the image of "Female reproductive organs - fowl")


  • Uterus is a musculomembranous sac continuous with the oviduct in front and vagina behind
  • It has two horns body and cervix (neck)
  • Cow
    • Body of entire uterus is present in abdominal cavity. Junction with fallopian tube is not abrupt
    • Horns are about 35-40 cm long
    • The muc0s membrane of body and horns present a number of cotyledons which are oval prominences
    • Cervix has no glands and is about 10 cm long. Its mucous membrane forms folds
  • Mare
    • Body is situated partly in abdomen and partly in pelvic cavity
    • Horns are 25cm long, mucous membrane has no cotyledons
    • The junction of oviduct and horns is abrupt
    • Cervix is about 5-7.5 cm long
  • Bitch
    • Body is very short 2-3 cm long
    • Horns are very long (12-15 cm) and present in ‘V’ shaped form
    • Gravid uterus extends upto the stomach and liver


  • Tubular passage extending from the neck of the uterus to the vulva
  • Cow
    • It is about 25-30 cm long. In the ventral wall of the vagina between muscular and mucosal coats two canals of Gartners are present
    • The urethra before opening into the vestibule shows suburethral diverticulum
    • Clinically it is very important as most of the veterinarians deposit the semen by mistake in this suburethral diverticulum during artificial insemination
    • During catheterization of urethra also, catheter may end in this diverticulum
  • Mare : Shorter, length is 15-20 cm, suburethral diverticulum is absent
  • Bitch : Relatively long and narrow suburethral diverticulum is absent


  • Terminal part of the urogenital tract opening externally at the vulvar cleft below the anus. Ventral ends of vulval lips are pointed
  • Mare : Ventral ends of lips are rounded
  • Bitch : Ventral ends are pointed and thick
Last modified: Thursday, 9 February 2012, 10:22 AM