Transport of food animals


  • Transport affects adversely the condition of the animal and the consistency of the flesh.
  • There are regulations in different countries, which govern the transport of animals by rail and road and these should be strictly enforced.
  • The careful handling of food animals before slaughtered has great importance.
  • Unsuitable conditions of rail or road transport frequently lead to injury, lameness, and suffocation or transit fever.
  • The danger is great for fat animals than for lean and is accentuated, the more closely animals are loaded, the higher the temperature and the longer the journey.
  • Large and small cattle and animals of different species must be separated by partitions.
  • Animals undertaking a journey of 24 hours or more must be fed and watered before hand.
  • And if the journey is of 36 hours duration they must be fed and watered in transit.
  • Water assists all animals to withstand heat.
  • Fowls must only be transported in cages or other airy receptacles. Their transport in sacks and also tying and carrying by their feet should be prohibited .
  • Transportation may take place by driving, trucking, rail and by boat or ship.
Last modified: Wednesday, 15 September 2010, 5:39 AM