Fabrication of lamb carcasses


Steps for making wholesale cuts of lamb carcass

  • The carcass is divided into FORE-SADDLE and HIND-SADDLE by cutting between the last 2 ribs. The left and right sides are not separated in case of beef carcass. 
  • The thin meat is taken off from the natural seam between flank and leg. Cut is made forward to the last rib at a point midway of the last rib. This cut is continued forward to a point 1/2” above the elbow joint. The SHANK & the ROUGH BREAST are obtained.
  • The NECK is removed at a point where it blends with the shoulder.
  • A cut is made between the fifth and sixth ribs to remove the SHOULDER
  • The portion left behind from the sixth rib to the twelfth rib is the RACK.
  • The LOIN is removed from the hindquarters by sawing just in front of the hipbone and the last two lumbar vertebrae.
  • The remaining portion is the LEGS.
  • From the rough breast the FORE SHANK (TURKEY LEG) is removed.

The final cuts are

  • Fore-saddle 53%
    • Rack Rib 10 %, Shoulder 25%, Neck 4%, Shank 6 % and Breast 8 %
  • Hind-saddle 47%
    • Leg 32%, Loin 10%, Flanks 3% and Suet and Kidney 2% 
Last modified: Thursday, 16 September 2010, 5:47 AM