Efficiency of pasteurization
Aschaffenburg and mullen phosphatase test
Enzymes like peroxidase, catalase, lipase and alkaline phosphatase present in milk are destroyed by pasteurisation temperature.
Phosphatase test
If the milk is added to a suitably buffered solution of disodium-p-nitrophenyl phosphate, this is hydrolysed by enzyme phosphatase to form p-nitrophenol which is yellow in alkaline solution. Standard disc will have numbers of 0, 6,8,10 and 42.
Buffer solution
Buffer Substrate
To 10 ml or 5 ml of buffer substrate in a test tube add 2 ml or 1 ml of milk respectively. Close the test tube with a sterile rubber stopper.
Invert the test tube and mix gently. Prepare a blank in the same way with heated milk.
Incubate in a water bath at 370C ± 0.50C for 30 minutes
Return to the water bath and take second reading after 90 minutes. Yellow colour is read in a lovibond all purpose comparator fitted with the phosphatase disc calibrated in microgram of p-nitrophenol.
Blank is kept on the left side of comparator and the sample on the right and the disc is rotated until the colour matches. 30 minutes test reveals serious faults in pasteurisation and 90 minutes reveals minor errors in pasteurization. Addition of even 0.1% raw milk can be detected.
Disc reading after 30 minutes Interpretation
0 to trace Properly pasteurised
6 Doubtful
10 and above Under pasteurised
Disc reading after 2 hours Interpretation
0 to 10 Properly pasteurised
Above10 Under pasteurised.
Name the test conducted for testing the efficiency of pasteurization?
When does phosphatase test give false positive results?
Name the phosphatases present in milk and give their inactivation temperature.
What does the colour development indicate in the test?
Last modified: Tuesday, 17 April 2012, 10:41 AM