Community Projects


  • Community development programme started on October 2nd, 1952, as a pilot project to see peoples reaction and pitfalls. There were 55 projects. Each covered about 300 villages with the population of about two lakhs and an area of about 1,50,000 acres.
  • Each project was divided into three development blocks consisting of 100 villages with a population of 60,000 to 70,000. Each block was divided into groups of 5-10 villages with a Village Level worker (gram sevak). To begin with, only areas with assured rainfall and facilities for irrigation and spoil capable of giving quick returns were selected.
  • A project was to be completed within a period of three years. For facilitating the implementation of the work, this period was divided into five stages of work.

S. No.





Conception stage

3 Months

Selection of the area for projects, its economic survey and planning.


Initiation stage

6 Months

Arrangements for temporary houses for block personnel. Cost of communication and collection of required materials.


Operation stage

18 Months

Approved activities were taken up.


Consolidation stage

6 Months

Operation was wound up.


Finalization stage

3 Months

Final touches were given, finalization of report and submission to government.

  • This was experimental. The villagers were expected to continue after they become well versed with the nature of activities. But the initial projects and blocks suffered form several handicaps in the beginning, which retarded the pace of progress.
  • The period of operation was extended by one year and these continued to operate upto September 30, 1956.

Last modified: Thursday, 30 September 2010, 8:25 AM