Extension Teaching Methods - Mass Contact
- In addition to the personnel contact methods and the face- to- face group teaching methods mass media enable extension workers to greatly increase their teaching efficiency.
Literatures / Publications
Literature are write ups or written materials about an idea or a thing. In extension teaching literature plays an important role in the message dissemination process. Some of the common literature, that forms the part of extension teaching learning process are,leaflet, folders, pamphlets, bulletins, circular letters, newspapers,magazines, journals and newsletters. The literature serves the purpose of communicating precise and reliable scientific information in a simpler language easily understandable to a common man. A brief explanation of various literature used in extension are given below.
Leaflet: A leaflet is a single sheet of printed matter. It is made to give an accurate or specific information on a specific topic.
Folder: A single sheet of printed information in a folded form. There can be any number of folds in a folder. Like leaflet, folder is also primarily meant for dealing a specific topic.
Pamphlet: A pamphlet consists of3 to 12 pages and deals with a specific topic in a detailed manner.
Bulletin: The number of pages fora bulletin ranges from 12 to 20. A bulletin is a written piece of information about a number of related topics presented in a detailed manner.
Booklet: When the number of pages exceeds 20 then it is called as a booklet. Usually a booklet deals with number of topics and the discussions are carried-out more elaborately with illustrations, pictures, figures and tables.
Circular letters : The letter sent to a group of people by passing it out from one man to other like a circular to pass on certain information or messages. Circular letters helps to maintain a continuous contact with farmers.
Newspaper/ Newsletter/Magazine/ Journal: Periodicals give a wide range of information about what is going on in the next door and around. It is mass media which can be of immense use in message dissemination. It helps to serve as a forum for extension activity in an area.It plays the role of communicating the information to people of various level and acquaint the public about programmes activities and progress made in an area.
Circular letter
- It is a letter reproduced and sent to many people by the extension worker, to publicize an extension activity or to give timely information on farm and home problems.
News articles (News stories)
- News is any timely information that interest a number of persons. It is an accurate, unbiased account of the main facts of a current event that is of interest to the readers of the news papers.
- It is a medium of mass communication, a tool for giving information and entertainment.
- It is one of the important mass media for dissemination of information in rural areas. It has an unique advantage over other mass media because it provides words with pictures and sound effects like movies. The messages will reach a large number of people at the same time
It is an intense teaching activity undertaken at an opportune moment for a brief period; focusing attention in a concerted manner on a particular problem with a view to stimulate the widest possible interest in a community, block, geographical areas. Ex: FMD Vaccination campaign.
Media forums
- Are small organized groups of individuals who meet regularly to receive a mass media programme and discus its contents.
- The most media linked to the forum may be a radio as in India - charcha mandals, or radio phonics schools of Latin America –or television as in the Italian telescuola.
- It is a combination of mass media inter-personal channels. Here the advantage of group psychology/pressure is used to motivate the individual.
Last modified: Friday, 4 May 2012, 5:13 AM