Co-operative farming


  • Co-operative farming is one in which agricultural / livestock producers co-operate with one another to secure advantages of co-operative buying of agricultural / livestock inputs and co-operative selling of agricultural/livestock produce or they may cooperate in order to obtain credit on easier terms.

Classification of cooperative farming societies are

  • Co-operative better farming society: In this kind, independent land holding members “agree to follow a plan of cultivation / operation” laid down by the society
  • Co-operative tenant farming society: This differs from the above in the fact that the society (which may hold land on freehold or leasehold) leases out the plots to members for individual cultivation. Otherwise, its objectives and spheres of action are the same as that of better farming society.
  • Co-operative joint farming society: In this type, land owners pool their lands for joint cultivation. The ownership of each member in his holding continues and is recognized by the payment of dividend in proportion to the value of his land.

Last modified: Tuesday, 6 December 2011, 10:10 AM