Developing Plan of Work and Calender of Operations


Plan of work

  • The plan of work should be in written form and shall indicate who shall do what job i.e. what the change agent system (extension) and the client system (livestock farmers) shall do; which institutions, organizations, service departments shall be involved; what will be the financial requirement and how it shall be met; what arrangements shall be made for marketing of the produce, training of the farmers and so on.
  • The plan should have all the essential details and no important point should be left out.

Calender of work

  • The calendar of operations shall be prepared on the basis of the plan of work and shall specify when a particular work shall be done, preferably mentioning date and time; how much quantity of different inputs, including credit shall be required and when these must be made available; when, where and for how many days the farmers and farm women shall be trained, who are the specialists to be involved in training and preparing the handouts, when the publications shall be ready for distribution etc.
  • That is, the calendar of operations shall specifically state how and when all the significant activities shall be performed. This should be at least for one season or for a period of one year. In that case, they may be termed as ‘seasonal plan’ or ‘annual plan’.

Last modified: Tuesday, 6 December 2011, 10:52 AM