

To attain the objectives and aim, the ATMA may:

  • Take steps to ensure that problems,constraints and needs to the farming system based agriculture development are identified and diagnosed periodically.
  • Draw up plans for an integrated research-extension linkage approach for farming systems based agriculture development.
  • Ensure that line departments/institutions draw up integrated development plan based upon resources available with them and incremental/supplementary resources mobilized by the ATMA.
  • Forge or develop systematic linkages between national/state/district institutions of excellence in the field of agriculture and marketing.
  • Ensure capacity building of manpower engaged in overall agricultural development and strengthen infrastructural support for the benefit of the farmer/producer.
  • Create suitable mechanism to ensure location specific adaptive, indigenous knowledge based research.
  • Ensure adequate linkages and frequent interaction between scientists,extension functionaries and technicians & farmers, in order to prepare an integrated plan to effectuate their linkage, support each other, better understanding and appreciation of their problems, means adopted to sort out problems and plans etc., and to develop a mechanism of feed back;
  • Ensure capacity building of the ultimate users- the farmers in terms of physical, financial and skill resources base by way of adequate financial support channelised through credit institutions, private investments and training for skill upgradation.
  • Facilitate farmers' organization to take lead role on mobilizing support services and resources.
  • Facilitate private investments for infrastructure development, private institutions have to take lead in the delivery of goods and services to ultimate users (farmers).
  • Facilitate the processing and marketing activities of the agricultural,livestock, dairy, poultry, silk and allied produce of the farmers with the help of private sector institutions.
  • Receive and expend project funds, maintain revolving accounts, enter into contracts and agreements, receive donations and provide services & deliver goods to beneficiaries.
  • Accept grants of money, securities or property of any kind and undertake and accept the management of any endowment, trust funds or donations not inconsistent with the objectives of the ATMA, on such terms and conditions as may be fitted with the objectives of the ATMA and be prescribed by the Government of India from time to time.
  • Generate resource in order to bring financial sustainability through charging for selected services rendered to beneficiaries by ATMA.
  • Create administrative, technical, ministerial and other posts in the ATMA and make appointments thereto in accordance with the rules and regulations of the State Government.
  • Make rules and bye-laws for the conduct of the affairs of the ATMA and addto amend vary or rescind them from time to time.
  • Do all such other lawful acts and things either alone or in conjunction with other organizations or persons as the ATMA may consider necessary,incidental or conductive to the attainment of the above objectives.
  • To do all such lawful acts and things whether incidental to objectives inforce or not as may be requisite in order to furtherance of the objectives ofthe ATMA.
  • Sell, lease, exchange and otherwise transfer of any portion and the properties of the society (ATMA).
  • Do all other such things as may be considered by the society (ATMA) and maybe incidental or conducive to the attainment of its objectives .
Last modified: Monday, 4 October 2010, 6:07 AM