Horse: Botryomycosis: Infrequent chronic granulomatous lesions involving the udder of the mare, cow and sow and the spermatic cord of horses.
Cattle: Mastitis: Staphylococcal bovine mastitis may be chronic, acute and peracute. Gangrenous mastitis due to a toxin is seen in postparturient cows.
Sheep: Tick pyemia in lambs occurs in 2-5 week old lambs, which is heavily infected with Ixodes ricinus.
Periorbital eczema is an infection due to abrasions, Staphylococcal dermatitis due to scratches from vegetation.
Pig: Exudative epidermitis (greasy pig disease) is an acute generalized infection of suckling and weaned pigs caused by S. hyicus. This disease is characterized by excess sebaceous secretion, exfoliation and exudation.
Dogs and Cats: Pyoderma is one of the most common skin diseases of dogs.
In addition to this, Otittis externa and other suppurative conditions are caused by S. intermedius.
Staphylococcal antigens produce intense inflammatory reaction and promote persistence of the bacteria.
Other Staphylococcal organisms
S. aureus sub sp.anaerobius causes caseous lymphadenitis. They are anaerobic and catalase negative.
S. caprae in goat’s milk.
S. gallinarum and S. arlettae - skin of chickens
S. lentus in skin of sheep and goats.
S. equorum in skin of horses
S. simulans and S. felis - clinical specimens in cats
S. delphini in skin of dolphins
S. aureus in Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) and Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) in humans.
MRSA in Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 4:16 AM