

Clinical and postmortem signs
Food poisoning
Sudden onset, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and nausea. But vomiting is uncommon. Short course and rarely fatal
Enterotoxaemic jaundice
Depression, anaemia, icterus, haemoglobinuria and lambs die within 6-12hrs of first signs known as the yellows or yellow lamb disease
Lamb dysentry
A haemorrhagic and rapidly fatal enterotoxaemia. Lambs are often found dead
Haemorrhagic enterotoxaemia (Clostridial enteritis)
Dysentery, collapse and death. Small intestine is dark red and has gas bubbles in mucosa
Depression, diarrhoea, death in a few hrs. Mortality 2-50%. Mucosa of small intestine has a brown psuedomembrane. Most common in deep litter units.
Sudden death due to an enterotoxaemia
Pulpy kidney disease (Over eating disease)
Odema of brain, glycosuria, sudden death. Excess fluid in body cavity, focal symmetrical encephalomalacia occurs in well-grown lambs.


Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 4:30 AM