Diagnosis, control and prevention


  • Based on history
  • Direct Gram stained smears
    • Presence of characteristic liver lesions together with large number of Gram +ve rods in liver impression smears from a recently dead animal is suggestive of the disease.
  • Flourescence Antibody Test is useful for the identification of C.novyi type B and C.haemolyticum in acetone fixed liver impression smears.
  • Isolation of organism from affected tissue (as like other clostridial infections) and by characteristic cultural characters.
  • Animal inoculation
    • Toxin in the liver can be demonstrated by intra muscular injection of homogenates into guinea pigs.
    • The pathogenicity is enhanced if the homogenate is added to an equal amount of 5% CaCl2 solution before inoculation.
    • The guinea pigs die in 1-2 days with very extensive subcutaneous edema. Specific antitoxin is not readily available for neutralization tests.

Control and prevention

  • Elimination of liver flukes through destruction of snail.
  • Aluminum hydroxide adsorbed formalized whole culture vaccines are available.
  • Outbreaks of the disease may be controlled by the prompt injection of hyper immune sera.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 4:46 AM