Functions of water in plant system.

Functions of water in plant system

  • Water is the main constituent of protoplasm comprising up to 90-95 per cent of its total weight. In the absence of water, protoplasm becomes inactive.
  • Organic constituents of plants such as carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes etc. lose their physical and chemical properties in the absence of water.
  • Water participates directly in many metabolic processes. Inter-conversion of carbohydrates and organic acids depend upon hydrolysis and condensation reactions.
  • Water increases the rate of respiration. Seeds respire fast in the presence of water.
  • Water is the source of hydrogen atom for the reduction of CO2 in the reaction of photosynthesis.
  • Water acts as a solvent and acts as a carrier for many substance. It forms the medium in which several reactions take place.
  • Water present in the vacuoles helps in maintaining the turgidity of the cells which is a must for proper activities of life and to maintain the form and structure.
  • Water helps in translocation of solutes.
  • In tropical plants, water plays a very important role of thermal regulation against high temperature.
  • The elongation phase of cell growth depends on absorption of water.

Last modified: Saturday, 24 November 2012, 8:48 AM