

  • Mycoplasmas are the smallest and most pleomorphic microorganism.
  • They occur as cocci, spirals, flaments and rings. The characteristic feature is the complete absence of cell wall or cell wall precursors such as muramic acid and diaminopimelic acid.
  • They stain poorly with Gram's stain (gives Gram –ve). Gives better resuts with Giemsa and other Romanowsky stain.
  • The method of reproduction is not fully understood. But some divide by binary fission, or by budding.
  • Some have a reproductive cycle by the development within the filaments of elementary bodies and their subsequent release by fragmentation and disintegration of the filaments.
  • The minimal reproductive unit is about 0.3 µm in d.m. but because the cells are pliable they are able to pass through a 0.22 µm membrane filter.
  • Dark field and Phase contrast microscopy are recommended for studying the morphology of Mycoplasma.
  • M. mycoides has a galactan capsule. They are generally non- motile and non-spore forming.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 7:20 AM