

  • Diagnosis required continuous effort because it is one of the common contaminant of laboratory and it can be cultured routinely from the skin and URT of healthy animals.
  • For confirmatory diagnosis, consider the following points:
    • Repeated isolation
    • Absence of any other pathogen
    • Recovery from unexposed tissue and demonstration of hyphae.

Method of diagnosis

  • Direct microscopic examination
    • Wet mount prepartion of sputum, nasal discharge, milk, uterine discharge, fetal stomach contents.
  • Diagnosis is confirmed by isolation of pathogens from the stomach contents of the aborted foetuses and placenta.
    • Demonstration of fungal hyphae in the foetal tissue (By using 10% KOH or LPCB).
  • Demonstration of pattern of condiospore and sterigmata by slide culture method.
  • Animal pathogenicity test
  • Allergic test.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 6:32 AM