It is not always possible to identify organisms by microscopy alone.
Only after growing them and isolating them in pure culture, it is possible to identify them.
Robert Koch used boiled potato slices for preparation of solid media.
Later he used ‘gelatin’ and then “Fannie Eilshemius Hesse” introduced “agar-agar” or ‘agar’ as a base for preparing solid media.
Bacteria very considerably in their nutritional requirement and over 7000 culture media have been devised.
The basic requirements of the culture media are,
It should have energy source.
It should have carbon source.
It should have nitrogen source.
It should have salts such as sulphate, phosphates, chlorides, K, Na, Fe, Ca and Mg and trace elements such as Mn, Mo and Cu.
It should have a satisfactory pH of 7.2 – 7.6.
It should have as “Redox Potential”. Redox potential is the intensity level of oxidizing or reducing condition in a system by the readiness of the all components in that system to take up or release electrons. It is measured in “Mille volts”.
It should have growth factors.
Common ingredients used in the medium are agar, blood, serum, yeast extract, peptone, beef extracts etc.
Agar is prepared from varieties of seaweeds and mostly contains long chain polysaccharides (galactose).
It also contains various amounts of inorganic salts and protein like substances.
It melts at 90-100oC and usually solidifies at 40oC depending on agar concentration.
A completely solid medium requires an agarose concentration of 1.5 – 2%.
It is a compound mixture of partially digested protein and is a source of organic carbon.
It contains polypeptides, amino acids and a variety of inorganic salts including phosphates of potassium and magnesium and growth factors.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 6:29 AM