Induction of superovulation


  • Superovulation means the induction of multiple ovulations by application of exogenous hormones (PMSG - Pregnant Mare Serum gonadotrophins, FSH- Follicle Stimulating hormone, HMG - Human Menopausal Gonadotrophins) in the early follicular or in the luteal phase of the oestrus cycle in order to collect large number of fertilized eggs. Most frequenctly PMSG or FSH is used.
  • PMSG - one single injection (2000 to 3000 IU) as the substance has a very long half life time.
  • FSH – Multiple injections of FSH (35-50 mg) twice daily for four days.
  • 48 and 60 hours after beginning the gondaotrophin treatment, Prostaglandins (PG) are administered to induce oestrus. Inseminations are performed at oestrus two days later. Embryos are recovered 8 days after insemination.
Last modified: Saturday, 25 September 2010, 4:24 AM