Embryo transfer


Aim: To demonstrate embryo transfer in cattle

Materials required: Embryo transfer catheter, Embryo transfer medium, Stereozoom microscope


  • Surgical transfer
    • This is preferably done via a high left sub-lumbar fossa laparotomy under paravertebral anaesthesia using normal aseptic techniques.
    • From the dish, the embryo is aspirated into a Pasteur pipette with 0.5 ml of EPS and is deposited with the medium into the uterine horn adjacent to the CRL. A blunt 16 G needle is used to make a small puncture in the wall of the uterine horn.
  • Non-Surgical transfer
    • This is done using a slightly modified AI pipette. Each embryo, together with a small volume of EPS, is aspirated into a conventional semen straw with a small bubble of air on either side to aid identification.
    • The ovaries are gently palpated to assess which ovary contains the CL.
    • The straw is placed in the AI pipette.
    • The cow is restrained under caudal epidural anaesthesia.
    • The vulva and perineum are very thoroughly cleaned.
    • The pipette is inserted into the external os of the cervix and gently introduced. It is carefully advanced along the horn adjacent to the CL and the plunger firmly depressed to expel the embryo. The pipette is carefully with drawn.


Last modified: Wednesday, 20 June 2012, 6:23 AM