Engel's law
The 19th century statistician Engel noticed that any additional income is tended to be spent more on luxuries and non essentials than on essentials and his observation is commonly known as Engel’s law which can be postulated as follows.
“The proportion of personal expenditure devoted to necessities decreases as income rises”. It can be illustrated with the help of following figure.
The Engel’s law represented diagrammatically illustrates that expenditure on food and clothes form a larger proportion of total expenditure of people with low incomes than of those with higher incomes. (Click to view graph)

Practical Importance
The concept of elasticity of demand figures predominantly in both the theoretical analysis of the economists and the practical decision of the businessmen and the government.
Theoretical economics
Business decision
Super market: When it cuts the price of a good the supermarket expects a considerable expansion in demand by winning customers from retailers selling at a higher prices.
Monopolists: A monopolist looks at the demand schedule for his good and fixes the quantity and thus the price at which he makes profit.This is because he is not faced with the perfectly elastic demand curve.
Government policy
Last modified: Saturday, 2 June 2012, 7:47 AM