Diluting fluid


  • For erythrocyte counts, dilutingfluid described already can be used.

Make the following stock solution

    • A. Sodium citrate 2%
    • B. 0.1% Gentain violet in Ringer’s solution
    • C. 0.l% Brilliant cresyl blue in Ringer’s solution
    • D. Neutral formalin
  • The above 4 solutions must be made and kept separately as stock solutions. From these the working solution is made daily before making the counts as follows:
    • A . 1ml
    • B. 2m1
    • C. 3ml
    • D. 3 drops.
  • Mix and filter

Ringer’s solution has the following composition

    • Sodium chloride -0.7 gms
    • Sodium bicarbonate- 0.03 gm
    • Potassium chloride- 0.026 gm
    • Calcium chloride- 0.003 gm
    • Distilled water- 100 ml
  • With the above solution, erythrocytes take a very light blue color and clearly seen. 
  • Granulocytes are prominent.
  • Thrombocytes are also clearly visible and uniformly distributed and can be easily counted. 
  • Moreover, with the above fluid the heterophils, monocytes and lymphocytes can be identified easily.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 11:05 AM