Identification of work - Types of study, labour input
Identification of work
Organization structure is developed to achieve objectives. Therefore works necessary for the accomplishment of objectives are determined.
Total work is classified or divided systematically because no one can handle total work alone.
Identification and classification of work enables managers to concentrate attention on important works, to avoid duplication of work and to avoid overlapping or wastage of efforts.
While identifying and classifying works, management must ensure that
All necessary works are performed
There is no unnecessary duplication in performing activities and
Different workers are performed in a co-ordinated manner.
Work Study
Methods Study
This can be defined as the systematic procedure for analysing the existing methods of doing work including the various human movements involved in it with the main objective of evolving the best or the most economical methods of doing the work.
Procedure adopted can be categorized stage by stage as follows:
Selection of the work to be studied
Collection of data and recording of the relevant facts about the existing methods
Critical examination of the data collected
Development of most practical, economic and effective method, having due regard to all contingents circumstances.
Installation of the new methods and maintaining it by regular routine check.
Techniques followed in Methods Study
Operation Process Chart - graphical representation by linear diagrams
Flow Process Chart - shows in addition to above the transportation required, distance travelled storage and delays.
Flow Diagram - same as above but here symbols are used
String Diagram - using string and pins on the template models
Multiple Activity Charts - also known as simo chart (simultaneous motion chart)
Work Measurement
This is the technique of assessing the time content of the work performed by an operator.
The technique involves the determination of the proper time required for the work and so popularly known as time study.
Optimization of labour input
Optimization of labour in the actual sense means to obtain the most efficient or optimum use of labour.
Proper labour management policy will depend on particular farming situation.
According to Alfred Marshall " labour is any exertion of mind or body undergone partly or wholly with a view to earning some good or other than pleasure derived directly from work.
Labour is not a commodity
Labour is inseparable from the labourer
Labour is more perishable than any other commodity
Labour is less mobile
It is difficult to calculate the cost of production of labour
Labourer sells his service and not himself
Labourer does not have same bargaining power as their employers
Labourer is not a machine - have ones own liking , feelings , wishes, thoughts etc.,
Labourers differ in efficiency
Types of Labour
Last modified: Saturday, 2 June 2012, 7:25 AM