Classification based on O2 requirement

Classification based on O2 requirement

  • Although O2 is found as a cellular component, most organisms need O2 for respiration. In these organisms O2 serves as the terminal electron acceptor and such organisms are referred to as obligate aerobes e.g. Nitrobacter. As opposed to this, there are organisms which do not use molecular O2 as terminal electron acceptor although O2 is a component of their cellular material. Infact molecular O2 is toxic to these organisms and these are called as obligate anaerobes e.g. Clostridium. In these organisms NO3-, SO4= or organic compounds serve as electron acceptors.
  • Some microorganisms can also grow either in the presence or absence of molecular O2 are termed as facultative anerobes e.g.E.coli. In addition to these major classes, there are organisms which grow best at reduced O2 pressure but are obligate aerobes and these are called microaerophillic e.g. most lactobacilli.
Last modified: Wednesday, 14 December 2011, 11:17 AM