Packaging is the technique of using the most appropriate containers and components to protect, carry, identify and merchandise any product.
It constitutes a vital link between the processor and consumer for the safe delivery of the product through the various stages of processing, storage, transport, distribution and marketing.
The primary function of a meat package is to present the product to the consumer in the most attractive manner possible and at the same time protect the product from physical damage, microbial deterioration and chemical changes.
Functional requirements of packaging
Packaging, in the meat industry serves the following functions,
Apportionment–the function of reducing industrial output (i.e., Dressed Carcass) to an appropriate size for further processing or consumer use
Unitization–the function in which primary packages are consolidated foe shipment. Primary packages are unitized into secondary packages, for example placement inside a cardboard carton. The secondary packages in turn are unitized into a tertiary package; for example a stretch wrapped pallet that may, in turn form a quaternary package – a shipping container or truckload. Unitization allows optimization of materials handling by minimizing the number of discrete packages that need to be handled. On delivery the process is reversed from distributor to consumer so the latter is presented with a primary package (fortunately) and not a truck load.
Convenience–Microwaveable packs and meat based whole meals.
Communication–A package must protect what it sells and sell what it protects.
Last modified: Wednesday, 11 April 2012, 7:09 AM