Handling of meat the organic way.
In processing operations that handle both organic and non-organic meat products, processors must segregate their handling of organic and non-organic meat.
There also are specified cleaning agents that are allowed and prohibited in such operations.
Organic certification, by a U.S. Department of Agriculture-approved agent, is required for the farm and the processing and handling facilities prior to delivery to retail outlets.
Because farmers and handlers must keep extensive records as part of their farm and handling plans in order to be certified organic, the organic production system offers traceability of the animal from birth to marketing of the resulting meat.
Thus, when one purchases organic meat, there is a guarantee of traceability.
Marketing of organic meat
- Under national organic standards, when marketed as organic, meat by itself is 100 percent organic.
- If a consumer buys organic hamburger, it means that all of the meat has been produced organically.
Last modified: Thursday, 12 April 2012, 6:37 AM