Estimation of Extract Release Volume
Extract release volume is the volume of extract released by a homogenate of meat when allowed to pass through the filter paper for a given period of time.
It is inversely proportional to the extent of spoilage.
Extract release volume is of value in determining spoilage of meat as well as in predicting shelf life of meat.
In this method meat of good microbial and good organoleptic qualities releases large volume of extract while meat of poor quality releases smaller volume.
Apparatus required
Measuring cylinder
Volumetric flask
10 ml graduated pipette
Glass funnel
Chemicals required
Blend 15 gms of meat for two minutes with 60 ml of extraction reagent in a blender.
Extraction reagent with a pH 5.8 is prepared by taking 50 ml of 0.2 M Potassium di hydrogen phosphate and 3.72 ml of 0.2 M Sodium hydroxide and the volume made up to 200 ml with distilled water.
The blended contents are quantitatively transferred to a glass funnel provided with filter paper (Whatman No.1, 18.5 cm diameter).
The filter paper is folded thrice so as to make 8 sectors and filtrate collected in 100 ml measuring cylinder and the volume of filtrate collected in 15 minutes at a temperature of 20oC is reported as ml of extract release volume of the meat sample.
The extract release volume decreases with progress of spoilage and a less filtrate will be detected in putrid meat.
As per Pearson (1967), the cut off value of ERV in fresh meat is 17 ml and above.
This volume is approximately equal to log 8.5 microorganisms per gram of meat.
Last modified: Thursday, 12 April 2012, 12:24 PM