Enzymes that associated with DNA

Enzymes that associated with DNA

    1) DNA polymerase: An enzyme that synthesize a new strand of DNA in 5’-3’ direction using the anti parallel strand as template.
    2) Restriction endonuclease: An enzyme which recognizes and makes double strand DNA breaks at specific sequence of DNA.
    3) RNA polymerase: An enzyme that synthesize RNA in 5’-3’ direction using antiparallel DNA strand as template.
    4) DNA ligase: An enzyme that lygate or joint double strand DNA fragments.
    5) DNA gyrase: This enzyme introduce super coiling of DNA in prokaryotes (also referred as topoisomerase-II).
    6) Topoimerase-I: An enzyme which removes the super coiling of DNA (super coiling refers the highly twisted form of DNA).
Last modified: Thursday, 15 December 2011, 4:24 AM