Interrelationship between microorganisms : Beneficial and harmful relationship

Interrelationship between microorganisms : Beneficial and harmful relationship

  • Microorganisms live in the soil, not in the form of pure culture, but as complex populations. Each particle of soil, contains more than one type of organisms. So, microbial ecosystem of soil is the sum of the biotic and the abiotic components of soil. Many of these organisms depend upon one another for direct and indirect nutrients.
  • Some complete with one another for energy sources and for the elements and components used as nutrients. This results in the formation of numerous associations among the soil micro organisms. The composition of the microflora of any habitat is governed by the biological equilibrium created by the associations and interactions of all individual found in the community.
  • The microorganisms that inhabit the soil exhibited many different types of associations or interactions. Some of the associations are indifferent or neutral, some are beneficial type of interactions and others are detrimental or negative.
Last modified: Thursday, 15 December 2011, 9:01 AM