

    • Direct attack of one organism on another is called predation. It is one of the most dramatic interrelationships among the micro organism in nature. Of the many microscopic inhabitants of soil, the bacteria stand out as particularly prove to the attack of predators.
    • The most numerous predators on bacteria are protozoans, which by feeding on the billions of bacteria undisputedly affect their populations. Protozoans are a key factor in limiting the size of bacterial populations. Probably reducing the abundance of cells and serving to maintain a diverse community.
        • Myxobacteria and cellular slime molds also affect by feeding directly on them
        • Bacteria of the diverse genera are attacked by bacteriophages.
        • Bdellovibrio is ubiquitous, capable of attacking a number of bacterial genera.
    Last modified: Thursday, 15 December 2011, 9:20 AM