Different types of lever


  • Simple lever (side-way writing): It is the simplest type of lever made up of wood, stainless steel or aluminium fitted through an axle pivoted between hardened centres mounted on a stout brass frame. The contractions of the muscle are recorded sideway on the curved lines on smoked kymograph. 
  • Frontal writing lever: The lever is designed in such a way that the writing point rotates freely about its axle. This helps in reducing the tension between the smoked paper and the recording tip. The contractions are recorded frontally as straight lines.
  • Starling’s heart lever: It consists of a frame carrying a light lever arm with holes and notches supported by a fine adjustable spring attached to an adjustable hook.  It is used to record the contractions of the heart.
Last modified: Tuesday, 18 October 2011, 7:41 AM