Transmissible Venereal Tumour (TVT)


  • TVT is also known as stickers sarcoma, venereal tumour, venereal granuloma or infectious sarcoma.
  • TVT is sexually transmitted neoplasm commonly affecting the external genitalia in dogs. TVT is primarily located in the mucus membrane of external genitalia of either sex.


  • Viable canine TVT cells can be transmitted to susceptible animals and transfered to other mucous membrane. (Ex: Oral Cavity ) Spontaneously through injured skin or mucosa during coitus licking, fighting, biting, sniffing, or scratching.
  • In addition to genital system TVT can occur any where on the body including the skin, oral, nasal cavities, conjunctiva, anal mucosa, gluteal region and maxilla.
Last modified: Saturday, 12 November 2011, 10:24 AM