Rectal examination


External indications

  • Cessation of estrum
  • Development and increase in size of udder- 4-5 months – more reliable in heifers.

Positive indications of pregnancy

  • Palpation of amniotic vesicle
    • The amnion containing the conceptus and the amniotic fluid forms the amniotic vesicle.
    • Palpated as a turgid, bean shaped structure form 35 days upto 50 days of pregnancy.
    • It is located anterior to the edge of intercornual ligament in the pregnant horn.
    • Palpation of amniotic vesicle is done by placing the thumb on one side of the horn and all the remaining four fingers on the other side in order to cover longer segment of the horn.
  • The fetal membrane slip
    • The membrane recognized during palpation as fetal membrane slip is the chorioallantois.
    • The fetal membrane slip is detected by compression of the pregnant horn and holding it slip between the fingers.
    • This state is facilitated if examination is done in the widest portion of the horn.
    • The presence of double fold can be palpated from about 35 days of pregnancy
  • The fetal ballotment
    • When the conceptus has reached a certain age, the fetus can be detected by palpation of the contents of the pregnant uterus known as fetal ballotment.
  • The cotyledons
    • The structures referred to as cotyledons are formed by fusion of both cotyledons and caruncles.
    • They are recognized as circumscribed prominences palpated through the wall of the uterus.
    • At the base of the pregnant horn, the cotyledons become palpable at about the 65-70 days of pregnancy.
  • Hypertrophy of uterine arteries
    • The hypertrophy of the middle uterine arteries, particulary the artery supplying the pregnant horn is observed from 70-80 days of pregnancy.
    • Fremitus or buzz pulsation accompany every pulse wave.
    • It is palpated laterally, posteriorly and ventrally along the medial edges of the iliac wings for about 4 to 5 cm.

Estimation of the stage of pregnancy

  • 35-45 days
    • The palpation of the amniotic vesicle in the free portion of the horn at 35-45 days of pregnancy.
    • The uterus is pelvic in position.
  • 60-90 days
    • The double membrane slip – the uterus in pelvic is posterior.
  • 90-120 days
    • Fetal ballotment – The uterus in pelvic brim is posterior.
  • 150-180 days
    • Palpation of placentomes. The uterus is in abdominal cavity.
  • 180- term
    • Palpation of fetal parts.
    • Viability of fetus can be observed by fetal pedal reflex and fetal movements.

Postive indications of pregnancy in cattle

  • Palpation of any one of the positive signs is diagnostic of pregnancy


Amniotic vesicle (click here) Click to view animation

45 to 50 days


Double slipping of fetal membrane (click here) Click to view animation

60 to 90 days


Fetal ballotment (click here) Click to view animation

90 to 120 days


Placentome palpation (Click here) Click to view animation

120 to 180 days


Palpation of fetal part and fetal reflex

180 days to term



5th month onwards

Last modified: Thursday, 19 April 2012, 9:23 AM