

Clinical pathology

  • Clinical Pathology is a "Subspeciality of pathology that deals with the use of laboratory methods (Clinical biochemistry, microbiolgy, hematology...) for the diagnosis and treatment of disease." In general terms, it is the study of disease in the clinical/bedside environment by use of laboratory assays. It is referred  as service pathology and has become important in 
    • arriving at correct diagnosis 
    • following the course of disease
    • evaluating the therapy 
    • giving a dependable prognosis of the disease conditions
  • According to a well-known diagnostician, “A clinician who says that he does not need a clinical laboratory aid is ill informed/uninformed and a clinician who depends completely on clinical laboratory findings for diagnosis is inexperienced. In either case the patient is in danger”. 
Last modified: Saturday, 26 November 2011, 5:04 AM