Important Air Pollution Episodes
- London Smog 1952 (4000 deaths)
- Black Fog 1962 (400 deaths)
- Killer Smog of Donora 1984 (steel industry, wire plank and H2SO4 plants)
- The Meuse valley Disaster Belgium 1930 (Sulphate, inorganic acids, Metallic oxidants)
- The Inter State suit Duck town, Tennesse 1900.
- Pittsburgh (Alleghency country) Pennsylvania.
- Before 1948, Pittsburgh was nick named as ‘Smoke city’.
- Bay of smoker, Los Angeles, California 1958.
- Bhopal Gas Tragedy 1984, December 2, Methyl Iso Cyanate termed as one of the world’s ever severe industrial accident.
- Sri Ram food and Fertilizer Ltd., Delhi 1987, Oleum gas leakage.
- National fertilizer plant, Paripat (Haryana) Ammonia gas, 1992.
- The Chernobyl Disaster, USSR 1986, Ukraine 50,000 people had to be evacuated, large tracts of agricultural land in various combine remain inhospitable for many years 1000 of tones of vegetables and milks were destroyed radioactivated cattle’s were slaughtered.
Last modified: Wednesday, 29 February 2012, 4:25 PM