Clinical Symptoms and PM Lesions


  • Acute anaphylactic reactions leading to stagger, collapse, cyanosis, dyspnoea and shock.
  • In selenium and vitamin E deficient cases, vomiting is noticed.
  • Toxicity due to orally administered iron causes emesis, bloody diarrhoea, paleness and weakness, prostration, cyanosis and other signs of circulatory collapse.
  • In baby pigs pale skin, corrosion of mucosa, dark faeces, diarrhoea and tachycardia.

PM lesion
  • Cyanosis, congestion of major organs, swelling at the site of injection, hepatic necrosis, icterus and pulmonary oedema.
  • Yellowish brown discolouration and oedema of the tissues especially near the injection site.

Last modified: Thursday, 24 November 2011, 11:16 AM