

  • Patient should be restrained before surgical repair.  Hemostasis and debridement in addition to antibiotic therapy is usually initiated until the severity of the damage is assessed.
  • To close lip wounds, simple interrupted absorbable sutures are   placed in the muscle and submucosa .
  • The mucosa is not included in the suture, and the knots lie deep in the lip tissue. Repair of large lip defects needs a skin flap or graft .The overlying skin is closed with simple in­terrupted sutures or vertical mattress sutures through the mu­cosa, submucosa, and muscle with the knots on the oral mucosa side. Fig A
  • Knots are also placed with out exposing to oral mucosa as in fig B
  • Post operative antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs for 5 days Soft light food till wound heals . Suture removal is reccomended after 10-14 days .

 sututring lacerated lip


Last modified: Wednesday, 21 September 2011, 6:45 AM